The Kumbaya Children's Choir/ Foundation is a none-profit Christian and cultural performing arts organization working with needy children in Uganda aiming to seek help, making new friends through cultural exchange of African art through dance, theater, music and other expression in an ambassadorial role. The choir focusing to organize as many ambassadorial tours internationally to raise awareness and the desperately required funds to help sustain and improve the standard of education, healthcare, living conditions more to others.

The Kumbaya Children’s Choir is formed up of less privileged children between ages of 1 month-16 and it has taken on a dimension of faith, which showcases the special talents in music, dance and drama endowed in children by the LORD. This all begun with 4 young children singing in a classroom, this is how we have managed to put together a choir of up to 40 children. From then onwards, this choir has continued to grow relying on the guidance of GOD to unite the children who are from different backgrounds.

Many of these Children have been left as orphans while others have had limited access to privileges like protection, shelter, a clean environment, education or even good health in the past.  Singing therefore removes from such vulnerability and inspires them to take on new challenges beyond their past traumas.


Kumbaya Children’s choir/ Foundation our goal is to equip these precious children with essential moral values and life skills that will enable them make a lasting impact on the future of their country and kingdom of GOD.


Kumbaya Children’s choir/ Foundation our mission is to improve on the quality of life in the fields of health, education and social economic welfare to the orphaned and vulnerable children.

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